Is a rhythmic jerking inside you which will last between 3 to 10 minutes. Sound fun huh? After the third time I don't think you will like it very much especially when you are sleeping or trying to fall asleep. If your baby head is down below then you feel the jerking so near to your bottom and that is definitely not fun. ;p
Yes, that's is my baby having hiccups. At first I thought he is punching or kicking but soon I was able to differentiate that with hiccups cause is more rhythmic. You know what I mean. Well, I was really worried at first as the hiccups became more frequent when I progress to my third preggy trimester. I read many preggy books and site, it is perfectly fine and healthy. phew!...
I say is not fun because of the jerking but frankly is not so much about that. Hiccups even for adult sometimes can be annoying and uncomfortable. I worried about my baby more, poor little baby of mine has to go through this and mummy can't do anything to help. At least, adult can just drink some water or blowing air while pitching your nose close and your mouth close too.
Hope he doesn't get this often when he is born. But he has his mummy to help then. ;)
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Pre-natal Massage
Today, we went for a pre-natal massage session. The masseur, Mdm N taught me some techniques to massage her back, neck and feet to help relieve pain and reduce water retention. I think it’s a very good session as I have learnt the proper way to massage a pregnant lady rather than simply doing it. I particularly liked the part where she said I’m a fast learner and a natural masseur with cushioned palms and flexible fingers. Hehehe…..
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Baby Bonding
We just attended the first class of a pre-natal course. The course is supposed to prepare you better to be a first time parent and know exactly what to do when the baby comes. J Sister C has 35 years of nursing experience behind her with 4 children, I supposed she knows what she’s talking about. One of the topics she spent more than 1 hour talking about is bonding with the baby.
Interestingly, bonding starts during the pre-natal period, around 5 month pregnancy onwards. During pregnancy, if you talk to the baby often enough, he will stop moving and start to pay attention whenever you speak. Sometimes he may respond to you too. Although he can’t understand you, he will remember because his brain is now developing and able to store memories. He will be able to recognize your voice and feel calm and secured even at the young age of 2-3 months old. This is what we have been trying to do, speak to the baby at least twice a day, morning to greet him good morning and good night before we go to sleep. And for me, trying to teach him the word “daddy” and hopefully that’s the first word coming out from him. ;0
Interestingly, bonding starts during the pre-natal period, around 5 month pregnancy onwards. During pregnancy, if you talk to the baby often enough, he will stop moving and start to pay attention whenever you speak. Sometimes he may respond to you too. Although he can’t understand you, he will remember because his brain is now developing and able to store memories. He will be able to recognize your voice and feel calm and secured even at the young age of 2-3 months old. This is what we have been trying to do, speak to the baby at least twice a day, morning to greet him good morning and good night before we go to sleep. And for me, trying to teach him the word “daddy” and hopefully that’s the first word coming out from him. ;0
My Baby's Name
This is one of the things which parents need to put alot of thought in it.
"Will this be meaningful enough or will his name be a tease among his peers?"
The english name is alot more simple to choose. As long as both parents like it and is not too common, the name is pretty much set. At least for us lar. Hence, we picked Jayden. We decided the name even before I got preggy. Couples will usually have discussion about their future together and this is one of the topics we talked about. One day we were watching a movie and one of the kid in the movie was called Jaden. Both of us immediately love it. I wanted to add the "y" in the name so that it has some similarity of my idol. hehe... those who knows me will understand that. ;p
Chinese name is the difficult part. My in laws are very easy going with it so no chinese name also ok. For me, I couldn't settle for just Jayden. He must have a chinese name so he knows his roots and be part the chinese culture. I don't know, I can't really explain it. If anyone has the same thinking let me know why.
We search and search and search for month and nothing. I didn't do anything to help cause I can't read or write chinese so I leave this to my hubby. He came out with a few options but nothing seems to sound just right. We didn't have the "yes this is the one" feeling. You know, is that feeling you have that you are just so sure. Like how sure you are to get married or something like that. As he goes on and on over thousand words, we asked ourselves what is it that we want for our son. What is the most important character you want him to have as a person? What do you want your son turn out to be?
We both name out 2 things on top of our list. Luckily we think alike. ;)
We want our son to be a kind person and wise. Able to use his intelligents to help others and be joyful about it. This did really helped and we found the name for him. phew! We will announce it privately.
Good to have the name set, is a way for you to visuallised what your child is going to be like. This is called bonding.
"Will this be meaningful enough or will his name be a tease among his peers?"
The english name is alot more simple to choose. As long as both parents like it and is not too common, the name is pretty much set. At least for us lar. Hence, we picked Jayden. We decided the name even before I got preggy. Couples will usually have discussion about their future together and this is one of the topics we talked about. One day we were watching a movie and one of the kid in the movie was called Jaden. Both of us immediately love it. I wanted to add the "y" in the name so that it has some similarity of my idol. hehe... those who knows me will understand that. ;p
Chinese name is the difficult part. My in laws are very easy going with it so no chinese name also ok. For me, I couldn't settle for just Jayden. He must have a chinese name so he knows his roots and be part the chinese culture. I don't know, I can't really explain it. If anyone has the same thinking let me know why.
We search and search and search for month and nothing. I didn't do anything to help cause I can't read or write chinese so I leave this to my hubby. He came out with a few options but nothing seems to sound just right. We didn't have the "yes this is the one" feeling. You know, is that feeling you have that you are just so sure. Like how sure you are to get married or something like that. As he goes on and on over thousand words, we asked ourselves what is it that we want for our son. What is the most important character you want him to have as a person? What do you want your son turn out to be?
We both name out 2 things on top of our list. Luckily we think alike. ;)
We want our son to be a kind person and wise. Able to use his intelligents to help others and be joyful about it. This did really helped and we found the name for him. phew! We will announce it privately.
Good to have the name set, is a way for you to visuallised what your child is going to be like. This is called bonding.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
"So shiok now, u hav excuse 2 eat all u can n all u want". Ya rite!
Two times in the roll, I am so upset that my sugar level is high through the urine test. So, when ppl tell you that you can eat for 2 is all not true.
Now, I am stressing out because I need to take the blood test to check for diabetes. Have to totally cut all sugar type which include all carbo food like bread and rice. Fruits also cannot makan because fruit has high sugar content. Wah lau! So sad man.
If I am diagnos with diabetes then my chances to have natural birth is pretty low. ;(
Like work isn't enough to stress me, now this. Then again, this are the time when you start to think why do ppl fuss about work or ppl at work as health is so much more important.
So, the myth of preggy ladies get to eat more now and watever they want is entirely false.
Now, I am stressing out because I need to take the blood test to check for diabetes. Have to totally cut all sugar type which include all carbo food like bread and rice. Fruits also cannot makan because fruit has high sugar content. Wah lau! So sad man.
If I am diagnos with diabetes then my chances to have natural birth is pretty low. ;(
Like work isn't enough to stress me, now this. Then again, this are the time when you start to think why do ppl fuss about work or ppl at work as health is so much more important.
So, the myth of preggy ladies get to eat more now and watever they want is entirely false.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
So what does fatherhood mean to you?!
First and foremost – Huh?!?! Really?!?! Don’t tell me it’s positive (preggie test) and then tell me it’s just false alarm, I can’t take it!! So it’s true!?!? That little black dot there is my baby?!?! (ultrasound scan)……….sms family to inform them…….
Then what? Watching other fathers walking with their kids and proudly told myself – I’m gonna have one of mine too. This takes months to sink in and finally accepted the fact that there is a little me that will be calling me daddy.
Getting fat!! Slowly realizing that pants are getting tighter and tighter. Every person who hasn’t seen me for a few months would say that I have put on weight. It’s time to exercise and shed of some of those fats.
Pregnancy for dummies – Start reading pregnancy guides. Being fascinated by how a little dot grows to become a human being and all the other scary part of labor.
Shopping – Never realized how cute they are until I open up the drawers and see those mini size t-shirts, pants, overalls lying there. They are like clothing for teddy bears. So, lots of shopping for clothes, milk bottles, bottle warmers, more clothes, diapers, toys and all other essential stuff…..

Lastly, the most amazing experience is feeling the baby’s kicks and punches. My favorite thing to do nowadays is to put my face on mommy’s tummy and feel the baby’s punch on the face. Never been punched and yet feel so good!
First and foremost – Huh?!?! Really?!?! Don’t tell me it’s positive (preggie test) and then tell me it’s just false alarm, I can’t take it!! So it’s true!?!? That little black dot there is my baby?!?! (ultrasound scan)……….sms family to inform them…….
Then what? Watching other fathers walking with their kids and proudly told myself – I’m gonna have one of mine too. This takes months to sink in and finally accepted the fact that there is a little me that will be calling me daddy.
Getting fat!! Slowly realizing that pants are getting tighter and tighter. Every person who hasn’t seen me for a few months would say that I have put on weight. It’s time to exercise and shed of some of those fats.
Pregnancy for dummies – Start reading pregnancy guides. Being fascinated by how a little dot grows to become a human being and all the other scary part of labor.
Shopping – Never realized how cute they are until I open up the drawers and see those mini size t-shirts, pants, overalls lying there. They are like clothing for teddy bears. So, lots of shopping for clothes, milk bottles, bottle warmers, more clothes, diapers, toys and all other essential stuff…..
Lastly, the most amazing experience is feeling the baby’s kicks and punches. My favorite thing to do nowadays is to put my face on mommy’s tummy and feel the baby’s punch on the face. Never been punched and yet feel so good!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Third Trimester Pregnancy
Being a preggy lady on her last trimester, what do you expect?
Nesting! Yes, you will start having the nesting behavior.
Like all animals in the planet, coming soon mothers will start to prepare for their new born. Though, I did start preparing since the time I know I am pregnant but not as stressful. For me now, I will organise everything in FULL details. I feel I have begin to be so particular and fussy at almost everything and anything. My poor hubby has to tolerate the agitated me all through my pregnancy especially now and is not over yet. ;p
I need things to be exactly where I want them to be. I write down every single thing we need to do, buy, what to remind people and many more. I will start arranging things at home, at work, at other people's home and weirdly even at store (like one time, I caught myself folding messy clothes on the store counter and putting them back properly : size and color sequence). I double and triple check on everything I do. I organised "things to do" in my head over a thousand times.
So, that's why I hate last minute information from people that screws up my preparations, I hate people messing up my things at work and home. Many other things that makes me angry but if I have to list them down then it might take me till tomorrow.
I believe this is a natural behavior of a coming soon mommy. You want to be in control cause you don't know what to expect with your new born on the way. You worried about how to be a good mother and whether you are capable to care for your child. For me, I try to cope by making sure I have everything prepare and keeping things around me under control.
I know, I know, I shouldn't stressed myself at this time and just enjoy my pregnancy. That's why I need my hubby, family and friends to tell me that. Is really important to have people around to remind you that everything is going to be ok.
Noted to preggy ladies, keep reminding yourself that you are already a good mother if you are worried about whether you are going to be one.
Nesting! Yes, you will start having the nesting behavior.
Like all animals in the planet, coming soon mothers will start to prepare for their new born. Though, I did start preparing since the time I know I am pregnant but not as stressful. For me now, I will organise everything in FULL details. I feel I have begin to be so particular and fussy at almost everything and anything. My poor hubby has to tolerate the agitated me all through my pregnancy especially now and is not over yet. ;p
I need things to be exactly where I want them to be. I write down every single thing we need to do, buy, what to remind people and many more. I will start arranging things at home, at work, at other people's home and weirdly even at store (like one time, I caught myself folding messy clothes on the store counter and putting them back properly : size and color sequence). I double and triple check on everything I do. I organised "things to do" in my head over a thousand times.
So, that's why I hate last minute information from people that screws up my preparations, I hate people messing up my things at work and home. Many other things that makes me angry but if I have to list them down then it might take me till tomorrow.
I believe this is a natural behavior of a coming soon mommy. You want to be in control cause you don't know what to expect with your new born on the way. You worried about how to be a good mother and whether you are capable to care for your child. For me, I try to cope by making sure I have everything prepare and keeping things around me under control.
I know, I know, I shouldn't stressed myself at this time and just enjoy my pregnancy. That's why I need my hubby, family and friends to tell me that. Is really important to have people around to remind you that everything is going to be ok.
Noted to preggy ladies, keep reminding yourself that you are already a good mother if you are worried about whether you are going to be one.
Welcome to our family blog
Hi all, since everyone has one. We decided that we should have one too. ;p
We hope to provide some useful information to our viewers as well as to share our joys of our coming new addition.
Probably, once in awhile you might see some disatisfaction comment about something or people. ;) but we will try to be nice ok?
So welcome!
We hope to provide some useful information to our viewers as well as to share our joys of our coming new addition.
Probably, once in awhile you might see some disatisfaction comment about something or people. ;) but we will try to be nice ok?
So welcome!
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