Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Coming soon or not? How I know leh?

So when are you due? This is what you will keep hearing when you approach your third pregnancy trimester. Well, here you are trying to work hard and making sure you clear all your work before your maternity. But at the same time you wish you have more time to think about your coming soon baby.

When is he coming? I don't know. I wish I know so I can plan better but I don't know. Even doctors cant tell you when. I am so excited and wanting to see him so dearly but at the same time I dont want him out so soon cause I need to clear my work stuffs. I am getting confused and stressed out. The only way to make things better is to win lottery. Hahaha... so no need to work then no stress lor. kekekeke....

1 comment:

  1. Just relax la. He will come when he's ready. You cant rush him. Stop dreaming about lotteries.
