Monday, March 30, 2009

Just do it!

Time flies when you are having fun. My son is already 1 month old and I am really happy. So love every minute being with him this whole month. Reality kicks in as you realised you only have another month left of maternity leave.
Babies, they grow so fast. How I wish I can slow down the time and enjoy more of our moments together. I look forward to seeing him grow bigger and older but at the same time I am already missing the passed of him.
Many people will tells you not to hold your baby so often or hug him to sleep or even kiss him too much. Afraid that your baby may be to clinky to you or refuse to sleep without you hugging. You have germs and kissing your baby will transfer it to him. I use to say this to my sister or other mothers too. Now, all I can say to other mothers is I am so wrong and "Just do it". Hold your baby, hug them, kiss them.
No doubt that they will get used to your hugging and cuddling that they cant be without you. Whats wrong with that? If is hard for you when you are working or away in future, worry about it later. Live by the day, tomorrows problem can wait. This is what you have now, time with your baby, cherish it.
As long as it doesn't hurt him physically, read more info on what do and don't for medical reasons and also make sure that you are clean. Enjoy your time with your child, trust me is not enough.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

His sleeping song

i love you
you love me
we're a happy family
with a great big hug
and a kiss* from me to you
won't you say you love me too?

jayden teoh
jayden teoh
i am baby jayden teoh
i love mummy and daddy
and they love me too
i am baby jayden teoh

Sunday, March 8, 2009

What he can do......

Day 7 - Lift his head up while holding him against the chest, burping him
Day 8 - Turn his head from side to side lying down
Day 9 - Lift his head and turn to the other side lying face down
Day 10 - Push the hankachief away from the face while sunbathing
Day 12 - Hold his own milk bottle
Day 13 - Turn his body left to right while lying down

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Fatherhood Pt 2

Have been trying to write this for days and seriously, no time! Taking care of a baby is a fulltime job. No kidding! 24 hours is just not enough.

From the moment we admitted to the hospital, emotions have been overflowing from deep inside. Many people asked how is it like, how does it feel like……well….there is nothing that feels like this. NOTHING. It’s a brand new experience, no pre-natal class, articles, blogs, sharing of stories can prepare you for this. The 2 seconds…….between the time of the last push, Jayden came out, doctor put him on his mommy’s stomach, my eyes became watery, the midwife cleared his throat and nose, wrapped him up, carried him to the little bed under the warmer, cleaned his body and finally his very first cry. That’s how many things happened within the 2 seconds and they just flashed through right in front of you. Maybe it was more than 2 seconds, but when I kept replaying the scenes in my mind, it felt like that.
Yes, this is special, witnessing own child’s birth is something irreplaceable. If anyone missed that, I suggest you try having another kid. If there is a way to describe it better, then it would be like, nothing else in the world matters except the three of us in the labor room. The mommy has gone through 9 months of hard work and I get to enjoy the very best of the whole experience, how can I ever repay that. Well, I can start by feeding him and changing his diapers more often. And even that, I kill for.

How to deal with the family members and not offend them? TOUGH. There are so many people who gave you advices. Choose some that make sense and ignore the rest. I thank them for their good intentions but I’m also sorry that I can’t follow everything you said.

Eyes to eyes contact. He likes to look at you and keep the mouth open. Makes you think what is really happening in the little head. Whether he is laughing at me that I’m so silly talking to a 5 day old baby and think that he can understand or just trying to register every single part of my face in his super computer brain so that every time he sees this face, he knows that this is the man called daddy. The innocent eyes, cute nose, right dimple, pointy chin, puffy chick, dark black hair…….. why is god so unfair to me…. makes me jealous only. Hehehe….. He’s got all the good things I never had and I’m so grateful that god has been good to me, He gave me JT. And of course, JT’s mommy.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My undying love for my son

First check up after delivery on the 4th day was not as smooth as we hope for. Baby Jayden was diagnosed with jaundice. Slightly right below the borderline, doctor think is best to put him under the phototherapy. My first night after so many months away from him.
That moment when I have to pass my son onto the care of the nurses at the hospital, was such a painful experience. I just fed him and as the nurses helped take off his clothes, I couldnt stop crying. My heart ached so badly, I felt my undying love for my son. I think my hubby was equally feeling the pain as he too was having teary eyes.
After one night at the hospital, my strong son is finally home. My sweet baby was wide awake and his large eyes looking at us as we take him home. The sense of relief, now I know the real meaning of parenthood.