Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Delivered 62kg, wk1=61kg (yay!), wk2=60kg, wk3=60kg, wk4=60kg (OH NO!)

What's happening? Why am I not losing weight? Well, I don't expect myself to immediate go back to my pre preggy state but 60kg? I gained 17kg and only lost 7 (baby+plasenta+water retention). So, I actually ate more for myself instead for the baby.
You thought you can exercise and eat balance diet to lose weight. Dream on, you are not allow to even lift up you hand or walk down the stair after delivery for at least 30days. Well, by right according to my trusted confinement lady (ah hem) confinement should be 100 days. Food that you eat during confinement is not going to help much either. We are suppose to eat every 4 hours.
Then again if you are breastfeeding you are required to eat good amount of calories to keep up the milk production. So, tell me how to lose weight lar. Some people tell me that breastfeeding speeds up the weight lost, but it is only a myth to me :(.

1 comment:

  1. Slowly slowly la - go google the celebrities after birth and see what they do.
