Saturday, May 30, 2009

Month 3

It's been 1 whole month since I got back to work. I mean, started my new role, having to deal with brand new team of people. It was a total craziness in the first 2 weeks but as I'm starting to get a hang of things, it's not that tough afterall.

JT is growing day by day, very well. His unique characters are starting to show. He's a happy baby when he gets enough sleep, milk and poo well but extremely vocal whenever he's not feeling comfortable or having a stomachache. He can cry your roof off just because he needs to be burped. He likes constant noise while sleeping instead of a quiet environment. When it's too quiet, a pin drop would wake him up, he's very alert and sensitive. But with the TV on, he can sleep like a baby, literally....hehe...He is very manja and wants hugs and attention all the time. Leave him alone for 2 minutes and he'll start scolding you - not crying just yet, but scolding, for good 5 minutes before he starts crying. As soon as you pick him up, he stops shouting immediately. He sweats a lot especially when drinking milk. If you lay him down on your thigh while feeding, sometimes you can really see sweat flowing down or a patch of wet sweat on your pants. He loves it a lot when you face a fan directly at him with strong wind blowing. As much as his smiles bringing him the ultimate power over us, his frowns will get him anything he wants. He is just too cute to say no to. Someone said his eyes are the least attractive of all of him but I think I spend more time looking at them then anything else because they are different everytime he blinks and I'll never have enough of them. At 3 months of age, he is bigger than most of his peers or even weighs the same as other babies at 6 months old. That's because he is going to grow taller and healthier than many others.


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