Saturday, May 30, 2009

3 months - He can recognised me... loving every min of it...sob sob ;)

My baby so big and healthy ar. Thank you god for this. I actually build muscle by carrying him. Most of my clothes sleeves is tight now. Doesnt really bother me cause I am so proud of him.

I think he can recognise me, a few times I managed to stop him from crying so hard and loud even after many attempt from others. Boy, it feels so good. Selfishly, I do wish that he only needs and wants me. Maybe by this way it makes me feel that I am doing a good job being a mom. Till now, I am still worried if I am a good mom to him. I suppose is a question that will going on forever till the day I die.

Every new things he does is like opening a new window of happiness in heart. His attempt to lift his head, his longer and louder "ang goos" or "aaa", grabbing my mouth, raising his eye brow, his giggles, doing the sucking motion when he is in his deep sleep, sleeping with his mouth open, looking good in his polo T, putting his hands together, his manja face when you hug him so tightly, sitting quietly on the car sit ... all this little things. Moments that even camera cant really capture the real feeling. Is the moment when I tell myself that he is my purpose life. Moments when I know I must have done something right to deserve this. These are the moments of my life.

He is getting better looking as he grows. I can never thank god enough for his good looks. Thank you.

I can't wait for more sweet memories to be kept safely and surely in my heart. I love you, my cute son.

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